Every golfer should know the rules.

A wonderful sentiment, but how many golfers do know the rules; even the professionals get it wrong occasionally, so what chance for the amateur? But help is available. The R&A, who are responsible for setting and maintaining the rules (with the USGA), have a web site that explains all. Not only does it contain the rules themselves but it has 'decisions on the rules' which go a long way to explaining how the rules are applied. The site also contains some useful downloads which you can keep on your computer to peruse at your leisure.

You can access the R&A site by Clicking on this Link.

Another excellent source of information are the blogs written by Barry Rhodes. Barry has become an acknowledged expert on the rules. He issues blogs on a regular basis, approximately weekly, that explain how the rules are applied; these should be compulsory reading for all golfers.

You can access Barry's site by Clicking on this Link.

Once you have accessed Barry's site you can also sign up to receive his weekly emails, which help to clarify the rules in a question and answer format; and all for free.


The local rules for all events organised by Khon Kaen Golf are given below. These are in addition to any local rules the golf course upon which an event takes place may have.

  • Stones in bunkers may represent a danger to players, caddies or equipment and may be lifted.

Local Rule: "Stones in bunkers are movable obstructions (Rule 24-1 applies)"

  • Relief for a ball embedded in its own pitch-mark is allowed in any closely mown area through the green. This local rule allows for relief for an embedded ball anywhere through the green.

Note: Through the green is the whole area of the course except:

  • The teeing ground and the putting green of the hole being played and
  • all hazards on the course.

3. The organiser may declare a pick and place rule on fairways and closely mode areas on the day of any competition

  • The player will mark and place within 6 inches of the original spot
  • The player may lift and drop no nearer the hole, at the nearest point of relief when casual water is deemed, and within one club length of the newly marked spot.
  • With agreement with playing partners, a player may lift and drop no nearer the hole if golf course staff have been working on repairing area's (But have not been marked as G.U.R)

Local Rule: "Through the green, a ball that is embedded in its own pitch-mark in the ground may be lifted, without penalty, cleaned and dropped as near as possible to where it lay but not nearer the hole. The ball when dropped must first strike a part of the course through the green."