Our Main Sponsor - The Gossip Bar & Bistro
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A warm welcome to Nong & Jack new owners of the Gossip Bar & Bistro, where they provide good food all through the week including their customary Sunday Lunch (soon) of beef, pork or chicken. We hope you enjoy the warm and friendly atmosphere for golfers and all visitors alike who visit. The new owner has agreed to continue sponsoring our Golfing community in Udon. The Bar & Bistro also have details of Udon Thani Golf if you require to contact us. We hope you can join in Udon's venues throughout the coming year, additional information can be found on this web site
Our Sponsors page is dedicated to provide links to businesses in return for a donation to the Udon Thani Charities, the donations go directly to the underprivileged children homes around the city of Udon Thani. We thank all our sponsors for there valuable support and may it continue.
Would you like to advertise your business here or available services, contact email : cliff@udonthanigolf.com or udonthani.golfsociety@gmail.com